Future Exhibits

Media and Content to be made available at future Zim Math Exhibits at 2025 National Math meetings.

Sales / Use Taxes have been paid.

Colorado Exhibit(s) License posted online at Zim Math Clouds.

JMM – Joint Math Meeting 2025 in Seattle Washington, January 8-11, 2025.

The Olson Trust as administered by the Trustees has funded the Zim Olson and Zim Mathematics budget, attendance and exhibits at these National Math Meetings.

1:23 PM 9/1/2024 – All Zim Math Exhibit Content/Media is FREE to Meeting Participants. (100) 32 GB 3.2 USBs of complete Zim Math Content to-date (JPG, PDF, MP4). (200) 512 MB 2,0 USBs of complete Zim Math Content to-date (PDFs Only). 325 Copies (67 lb. paper) and 175 Copies (24 lb. paper) 24 half page booklets intro to Zim Math (Updated). + 40 Misc Copies of Misc Booklets (See Below). (100) Zim Math General Letters (Laser Print) of Permissions. (100) 4 by 6-inch Zim Math Art Cards, Zim Math Business Cards in ample supply. USBs compatible with Windows 11 PC.

Content Preview:

500 Copies Zim Math Intro Booklet


100 Copies Letter of Permissions


40 Copies Total of Booklets in PDF



USB Content Preview for Math Meetings 2025 (Drop Box Cloud 12:06 AM 8/29/2024 )

Contents of the 32 GB USB above

Future Display Banners

Zim Olson and Zim Mathematics; PO Box 22161; Denver Colorado 80222 USA


Copyright 2024 – All Rights Reserved