Future Exhibits

Media and Content to be made available at future Zim Math Exhibits at 2024-2025 National Math meetings.

Sales / Use Taxes have been paid.

Colorado Exhibit(s) License posted online at Zim Math Clouds.

Math Fest 2024 in Indianapolis Indiana August 7-10, 2024, Exhibit Booth #116. JMM – Joint Math Meeting 2025 in Seattle Washington, January 8-11, 2025.

The Olson Trust as administered by the Trustees has funded the Zim Olson and Zim Mathematics budget, attendance and exhibits at these National Math Meetings.

6:09 PM 3/13/2024 – All Zim Math Exhibit Content/Media is FREE to Meeting Participants. (100) 32 GB 2.0 USBs of complete recent Zim Math Content (JPG, PDF, WORD, MP4, PPT). (100) 32 GB 3.2 USBs of complete Zim Math Content to-date (JPG, PDF, WORD, MP4, PPT). USBs will be in small box shown below. (100) 24 half page booklets intro to Zim Math (Updated). (30) 4, 8 & 16 half page booklets on Definition Art, Constant Unit Unknown – Quantity/Quality Expression(s), and Open Domain, Dominion and Development, Zim Olson’s Christian Walk. (100) Zim Math General Letters of Permissions. (50) Math Art Greeting Cards. (100) 4 by 6-inch Zim Math Art Cards, (100) 4 by 6-inch photos of Zim Math events. FREE Framed Artwork Raffle (6). Zim Math Business Cards in ample supply. USBs compatible with Windows 11 PC.

USB Content Preview for Math Meetings 2024-2025 (Drop Box Cloud 5:55 AM 4/1/2024 )

Contents of the 32 GB USB above

Future Display Banners

Zim Olson and Zim Mathematics; PO Box 22161; Denver Colorado 80222 USA


Copyright 2024 – All Rights Reserved